Sunday 22 September 2019

Mad Boys, Mad Boys, What'cha gonna do? What'cha gonna do when they come for you? Mad Boys!

It's Oldhammer Ork Madness!! Bob Olley style!

As some of you may know over on the Oldhammer Facebook page this month is #PaintaBob as in Bob Olley. Now my knowledge of Bob Olley is not great so on doing some research I discovered that he made quite a few of the 2nd Edition Ork Wierdboys and Ork Madboys. He also did the Iron Claw Black Orcs, well there is some fun history there but that is a story for another time.

Madboyz are fun, stupid, daft and mostly useless on the tabletop. They ooze charm with the minatures though so many poses, faces and pleasant parts to paint. I chose this chap:

I'm covered in flour, I iz! 

According to the Eavy Metal spread in White Dwarf he is officially a Deliriak so I guess he is either delirious or spends his time serving customers pork pies and samosas at a big chain supermarket.

Where da baddies at den? *snort~gigglez*

Went for a variety of colours for the Madboy because well they are mad, hadn't used much purple recently so felt that would be a good choice for the undershirt. Bit of blue for the hair (I quite like using blue for Ork Hair think it comes out well with the green ork skin) and the rest was standard orky style colours.

Dis is too scariez, me off now.

For a bit of fun I tried making a spiral pattern on the back of the madboy, think I'll make that there logo/brand when I paint the rest. Oh yes didn't I mention, I have another 6-7 of these madboyz. Not that it will help on the battlefield as they will end up just picking there nose or looking for a lost puppy.

Until next time :)


  1. Really miss these boyz and love the squad symbol you picked for the back. Great work. Looks like you’ve used a new(er) Ork boy arm for the shooter? Does the scale match up ok from all angles? If so, you’ve inspired me to visit eBay....

    1. Thanks. The new ork arms can scale well but honestly it entirely depends on the model itself. Sometimes the bicep section simply won't fit the older model. On others it can look way too big or too cartoony. I think with the madboy it works because they are already over the top. I recently tried on some snakebite orks on foot and that didn't work at all.

      You can see some of the newer arms elsewhere on the blog. Notably on the Mekanik, a goff ork and one of the stormboyz.
