Sunday 22 September 2019

How to unicycle your way to victory with Orks ... (part 2)

Now where had we got to, looks at photo of half undercoated Ork on a mono-wheel, ah yes a paint scheme and I need a banner too.

For the first part head over here:

So what next, well let's see if that monowheel can be covered in some more paint so the day-glow orange and green is less visible.

At this stage I wasn't sure he was going to turn out okay.

First I covered the metal parts in Rhinox Hide using the method I have for the Goff Orks I have painted previously. Next it was time to base coat the Ork. Tyre black, shirt and pouches various browns, the bandolier I think I started with elven flesh for some reason. The skin was the usual Goblin Green and hair blue. Followed by a custom watered down wash of black/dark brown mix for everything that didn't get a dark angel green for the skin. This resulted in the following:


Life got in the way at this point, nice trips to Jersey for weddings and Whitstable for fish and chips meant our Orky friend sat on the shelf for a couple of weeks. But free time loomed yesterday and he is now complete including fancy banner. 

No time fur dat, gotz sum Oomans to nok down! Outta way!

Say hello to Big Boss Domik Tormento on his kustom monowheel the Dodgy Chargez! Yep I added the Banner from one of those 3rd edition Ork Nobz (had to chop it down a bit to fit on the back). I struggled for a bit thinking can I make one that is both Snakebite and Evil Sunz, but in the end decided simpler is better. The basing is my standard method and mostly what has been done is highlighting the details.

Eez a dumb Panzee dat stepped on wrong side of da trackz!
Camera decided now was a good time to do low lighting photos. Anyway here you can see the feathers on the gun/hair and the dead eldar head.

You hear dat? I think Im gonna investa'gatez!

Deffo eard sum'fing, maybe if I turnz down da engine on the Dodgey Chargez?!

The Power Glove from Nazdreg has some loevly details like this Skull Glyph and the various tubes and connectors.

Gahh, Oood da Hell are you? I kno you one dem Madboyz? Luck ya didna get squished!! Get out of ere!

Overall I really enjoyed making this conversion and think it has resulted in a great looking model. It will certainly be fearsome on the battlefield when I tool him up with combat drugs!!

Don't come back now, 'an tell Slegg if he letz iz guard down I'll ave im! 

Maybe I'll do some more conversions further down the line. I know that I can use Green stuff a little bit now so that will be handy and I hope you enjoyed and found helpful this run down of how I built my own Gyro-Stabilized Mono Wheel Ork Big Boss.

Until next time!!

*Sounds of tyre screech!!*

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. I always loved the Nazdreg power claw too, such a great piece.
