Been a little while since we went down memory lane. Let's jump in to White Dwarf 148 and look at some of my Eavy Metal highlights that can be found within.
Another nice cover for this months magazine. That fire wizard sure knows how to boost up a sword for killing orcs.
So after the 'making a river modelling article' we get our first Eavy Metal section with some miniatures painted by Adrian Wild. Although there are plenty of miniatures here to look over I find three that really catch my eye.
Speaking of models I really like we have this Eldar Warlock with Witch Blade. I have this mini and he is a real gem. Heck I think I've used him as a Farseer he looks so good. The defiant and yet arrogant pose combined with such a slick paint job.
Next we have some Epic Space Marine coverage focusing on the Chaos army and the Daemons.
These Chaos engines always fascinated me so many claws and scale-wise immensely large skulls. I'd be curious to see if modern 40k would reach the dizzy heights of bringing these to a 40k table (maybe forge world).
Next more Marauder Dwarves get a showcase, again they have so much character.
We get an ad for a Games Day but it includes this nice alternative take on the Bad Moon Ork Warboss. Never really considered bad moons in orange but this really works. Also that base is really fun with the moss on rock or dead coral?
The next section features a Battle Report of the new Empire taking on an alliance of mostly Wood Elves and Dwarves. Somewhere there are a bunch of dwarves sitting around a tavern table muttering loudly about the not in my day, that young'uns are ruining the old ways and that grudges shouldn't be forgotten.
Until Next Time :)
Nice. I kept a load of WD's with epic 40K articles which I am just getting rid of. From 168 to 230. I found a few of the card inserts inside which I could use for other things. All my epic went north, to Scotland, to some lucky chap years ago.