Sunday 30 June 2019

An Ork, a Mek and a Goff walk into some Gretchin.

Summer is here, time for some ork goodness. How much ork goodness you ask, well three orks and a couple of lowly gretchin.

"Ere I'ze erd that oomie"

"Picditz turns back on u!" 

"C'mon Picditz,we got squigs in dis bag"

"Waitz for mees, Jobzza!"

"If dey get teefy, I'll stabz dem!"

These two are from the Squig Catapult (which is not painted properly as of yet). I love the character they gave even these little guys. Especially the one with the knife who looks like he found something funny.

"Der you are, you grotz! Hobstob needz ya to bring da Squig launcher!"

"Don't hav a sulk, you'll gets sum good squigs to eats later."

Another of the monopose Goff Orks completed. This one lost his axe head (It is probably in the bitz box but I can't be bothered searching through that) so instead he gets a makeshift stick club, still hurts if you hit them harder with it :)

"Da eck!, Dakzoom wat you doin up ere?"

"Lost me bike, bit like your choppa head, narf-arf"

Hey an Evil Sunz, yep I'm going to have a squad of these guys on foot. Bikes will come later. Paint is basically the same as the goff except brighter reds and some yellow. This guy has a bottle of water or squig beer which is amusing.

"Allo, ladz, what you up to?" - Wotclankz Gitrekk a Mekanik by trade.

It's a Mekanik or mekboy and not wielding a Shokk Attack Gun. These guys are great as despite being weak for a character they do get three wargear slots.

"I'z testing out dis kustom Ice blasta, ain't I!"

I decided to vary up his Kustom Blasta and give it a more ice/cold edge to it, plenty of plasma and lasers flying around but never anything in a Mr Freeze style. A combination of Ultramaine Blue, Skull White and Baharroth Blue was used to get the effect.

"You seen dem Grots about?, I was usin'em as targets"

That's about it for today, time for some group shots of the five minis before they go and shoot up some eldar or space marines.

"Da boss has a plan to duff up sum Humies?" 
"Let's go them wudn't want to miss on the fun!"

"Yeah you two aswell, can kick dem in the gutz I guess."

Hope you enjoyed the pics, shout any comments or questions below and until next time have a nice day.

Bonus Round Time: Some progress shots of the orks, check out the background for some upcoming minis on the paint menu.

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