Monday 18 March 2019

Galvanise the memory cells with Eavy Metal!: Part 2 (White Dwarf 146)

Where was I, oh yes White Dwarf 146 and it's Mad Max hybrid space marine scouts cover?

That front left guy looks like he is about to join a genestealer cult!

I have no idea what is going on here but these guys are very odd space marine scouts, more like some Necromunda gangers cosplaying as space marines. What with Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Blood angels all represented and look at the guy at the front with the mohawk and commando facepaint. Still it is very striking as they descend down into a hive city, a tomb the London underground?? Let's move on.


Ah yes Space Fleet, a game I have never played or really had any interest in, including it's eventual follow up Battlefleet Gothic. This article is covering the Tyranid ships being released. There is some great art of a hiveship which looks kind of like a nautilus pity none of the ship minis match up to the artwork. Especially the Humboldt squid hiveship. Let's keep going...

Ah this is more my style the 'Eavy Metal spotlight and this month it is a range of creations by Tim Prow.

Ok first let's talk about that Tzeentch Disc Rider. It's a fantastic miniature (So much so it got a mention in my top ten minatures of all time) but then to give it such a bright paint scheme and a dynamic base is really something special. That rainbow helmet frill is a great touch.

The Green warrior bottom right is my favourite of the four.

The Chaos Centaur conversions are really cool. Part Chimera, part chaos warrior (and an orc) I dread to think how much it would cost to try and convert these four today.

The banner almost looks like it is moving in the wind.

The Dark Angel Diorama isn't something I remember as well when reading this White Dwarf for the first time but looking back now it is a wonderful piece.

As we carry on we get an article about the Empire in warhammer which is not something that really interested me then or even now, well maybe the Reiksguard models they are a unit I wouldn't mind having to paint up one day. Speaking of miniatures I would like to paint one day, I adore these old marauder dwarves and really need to get a unit assembled. Especially the almost comedic yet serious longbeards that just echo nostalgic memories for me.

Finally just when I think this magazine can't possibly have anything else to give it brings out the big guns!

The Blood Angel dreadnought is so happy :)

An article with photos of dreadnoughts! This section knocked me for six at the time. I just assumed that dreadnoughts were only like the ones you found in space crusade. Yet lo and behold we have Space Marine dreads, gaudy egg shaped Ork dreads, sleek and refined Eldar dreads and this new to me Chaos dreadnought with vague yet sinister head/helm?! (Plus the terrifying Screamer Killer appears again!).

So that's an ork not a gretchin escaping, I am so confused about Ork dreadnought pilot rights.

White Dwarf 146 was an absolute blast for me visually and for my imagination, even if the content went over my head in 1992.

Until next time.

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