Saturday 13 July 2019

The Genetic Freak of the Chaos Week! - Slaanesh: Keeper of Secrets

The warp has been fluctating really badly in recent days, not sure if it is the heat, the smell of burning meat or the flow of alcohol on these hot summer nights.

"Mortal you are unworthy to be in the present of greatness!"

Or it could be because I summoned a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh to the paint table. This is a really great model and I have owned it for a long time which is why it might not match up with what you may find in the citadel catalogues of times past.

My first knowledge of Greater Daemons began in the Codex Imperialis: Chaos Section. This image next to the Keeper of Secrets entry really grabbed my attention. What a monster and he is fighting a Grey Knight! Those guys are tough, I need to know more. The thing is I never collected a Slaanesh army of any kind back then, but somehow I ended up buying the Greater Daemon early on.

Follow on for more glorious Slaanesh details ...

The daemon mini I acquired despite my enthusiasm spent most of his time unbuilt near or even in the bits box. One because I didn't have an army for him to go with and two because the model itself doesn't fit together terribly well. I mean look at this guys back, Ikea would do a better job of connecting things together. More recently I took an interest in him again, maybe the oldhammer joy of the model or the challenge as some of his parts had gone awol.

"Where must the sensual slaying begin? I sense the thrum of war and Orcs!"

Yes this Keeper of Secrets has had some alterations. The clenched fist arm had been mis-packaged so I had two left arms, I rectified this by adding the arm of a minotaur with a sword. Whilst another arm went to a Daemon Prince conversion which is oddly where the big right hand side claw came from. It was missing the 2nd arm which is why a ram's horn is protruding out. The head is from a minotaur lord job lot I aquired on ebay. Interestingly on closer insepction of old catalogues I found that the head is in fact a Keeper of Secrets not a minotaur lord at all, what bizarre luck.

"There amidst those conifers, Orks! I shall scour them from this mountain!"

Converting this up wasn't too tricky and I didn't use any green stuff (I'm no sculpter). Paint wise I went for a white undercoat and followed with some base layers of a skin tone, black and yellow. He then got left in a to do pile for 6 months ...

Over the last month I fished him out and finished him off properly with a variety of paints whilst doing the Orks. I wanted to do something more interesting with the base so liberal amounts of warlock purple got used in a pattern and then surrounded by Green / Brown flock.

"Ere Boss, der's a Daemon up here!",  "DIE sub-human creature!"

I really like the way he came out in the end and I hope to repaint some chaos marines I have into a more Slaanesh style to go with him.

Until Next time :)

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