Thursday 30 September 2021

Phantom of the Goff-era

 A short and sweet post about three Goff orks that got painted recently.

So as you know I have been running through the monopose plastic Goff orks that were in the main base game of 2nd edition and these three are the final ones (unless I find one in a bitz box mangled to near destruction). 

Hey Gobcha, how di the Goffs win da last battle?

However these three required some serious fixing. While one just needed a left arm fixing and a new axe source the other two needed a bit more. Both had no arms and so another search returned some arms, weapons and some makeshift shoulder plates for the right arms.
The last ork had a bigger problem in that the face had been half hacked at or possibly melted? Either way there was no way to salvage that and my painting skills would be struggling.

Ere boss? When u gonna paint us?

To resolve this I first armed him with a plasma gun and then decided after some discussion to go for a half mask in the form of the phantom of the opera. So chopping up an old shield part for a warhammer fantasy skeleton unit I put that over the face.

Plasma burns! Gonna scare da ladz this Halloween!!

With the necessary fixes applied it came time to paint the three of them with the tried and tested methods I had used before. I decided the mask was going to be metal and went for a dirty gold look for it. I think it has worked out well in saving the model.

Da boyz got some dakka, then got stuk in to dem beakies. That's how!

That's it for this update, short but fun painting session to get these three orks battle ready, next time maybe some Dreadnoughts or a Grot or possibly something else entirely from the stars..

Until next time :)

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